Month: July 2019

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SVM Algorithm in EDA Design

Final Project of SI100 (Introduction to Information Science and Technology) – Advisor: Prof. Pingqiang Zhou, ShanghaiTech University Machine Learning has been recently used to solve research problems in EDA area. It aims at training a model based on experimental data and further using this model to conduct prediction models or make decisions. One important and…
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Water Level Measurer

Final Project of EE111 (Electric Circuits) – Advisor: Prof. Pingqiang Zhou, ShanghaiTech University This project is to design and build a circuit to measure the water level in a tank. Here is the Lab Report.

Simple “Come” Compiler

Final homework of CS101H (Programming Languages and Data Structures) – Advisor: Prof. Hao Chen, ShanghaiTech University This homework is to design a basic compiler handling different inputs. For legal inputs (without syntax error), it will give the correct output and for illegal inputs (with syntax error), it will detect it and give an output as…
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New York (January, 2019)


Boston (January, 2019)

Road Trip to San Jose (December, 2018)